Cpe 555 stevens
Cpe 555 stevens

cpe 555 stevens

(2021): Arktida a její reakce na globální oteplování – příběh české vědy. Lyčka, Z., Elster, J. (2021): Český polární výzkum a Arktický festival – Dny arktické a české vědy a kultury. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126. Marked seasonal changes in the microbial production, community composition, and biogeochemistry of glacial snowpack ecosystems in the maritime Antarctic. J., Šabacká, M., Dayal, A., Edwards, A., Cook, J., Convey, P., et al. (2021): Intestinal parasites of dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in Svalbard (Norway): low prevalence and limited transmission with wildlife. Hermans R., M.P.M., Ditrich O., Tyml T.,Gelnar M., Artois T., Kmentová N., (2021): Parasitic flatworms infecting thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata: Infection by the monogeneans Acanthocotyle verrilli and Rajonchocotyle emarginata in Svalbard. minus (Stramenopile, Xanthophyceae) in hydro-terrestrial habitats in the Hight Arctic revealed by multiparameter fluorescent staining. Jimel M., Kvíderová J., Elster J. (2021): Annual cycle of mat-forming filamentous algae Tribonema cf. (2021): Diatoms define a novel freshwater biogeography of the Antarctic. M., Souffreau C., Sterken M., Tavernier I., Sabbe K., Vyverman W. J., McKnight D., McMinn A., Nedbalová L., Roberts D., Saunders K. Verleyen E., Van de Vijver B., Tytgat B., Pinseel E., Hodgson D. Arctic Data Archive System (ADS), Japan, 2019. (2021): Meteorological data from ice-free areas in Yukidori Zawa, Langhovde and Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes, and Skallen on Soya Coast, East Antarctica during January 2017 – December 2018 2021: Polar Data Journal, Vol. Kudoh, S., Wada T., Shimada, S., Otani, M., Elster, J., Uchida, M., Imura, S. (2021): Early spring subglacial discharge plumes fuel under-ice primary production at a Svalbard tidewater glacier. Vonnahme T.R., Persson E., Dietrich U., Hejdukova E., Dybwad C., Elster J., Chierci M., Gradinger R. (2022): Dissemination of multidrug resistant bacteria to the polar environment - Role of the longest migratory bird Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea). (2022): Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes and increasing threats. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37: 30–41. (2022): Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Pedersen Å.Ø., Convey P., Newsham K.K., Mosbacher J.B., Fuglei E., Ravolainen V., Hansen B.B., Jensen T.C., Augusti A., Biersma E.M., Cooper E.J., Coulson S.J., Gabrielsen G.W., Gallet J.C., Karsten U., Kristiansen S.M., Svenning M.M., Tveit A.T., Uchida M., Baneschi I., Calizza E., Cannone N., de Goede E.M., Doveri M., Elster J., Giamberini M.S., Hayashi K., Lang S.I., Lee Y.K., Nakatsubo T., Pasquali V., Paulsen I.M.G., Pedersen C., Peng F., Provenzale A., Pushkareva E., Sandström C.A.M., Sklet V., Stach A., Tojo M., Tytgat B., Tømmervik H., Velazquez D., Verleyen E., Welker J.M., Yao Y.-F.

Cpe 555 stevens